How could I make a timed mute button on windows 10?



I am aware of one method to put a mute button link on the desktop of windows 10, but is there a simple way to run this link twice within a time period? Would it be simple to make a script to launch the shortcut twice?

link on how to make a desktop mute button link

Dan Z

Posted 2016-11-05T22:40:34.643

Reputation: 127



I would use an AutoHotkey script like:

Send {Volume_Mute} 
Sleep, 600000
Send {Volume_Mute} 

When you use the hotkeys: ctrl+alt+m this script will "push the mute button" (even if you don't have a physical one), wait 10 minutes (600000 miliseconds) and then "push the button" again to unmute


Posted 2016-11-05T22:40:34.643

Reputation: 6 701


This could be done by making a bat file that utilizes the program nircmd. A bat file could be made by using textedit, entering the following lines, and changing the file type to .bat

timeout /t 30 /nobreak 

The disadvantage to this is that the windows command prompt opens in front of other programs, and that this dat file cannot be moved to the shortcut bar.

Here is a link on how to move mute to the taskbar.

And here is how to run a hidden script.

Dan Z

Posted 2016-11-05T22:40:34.643

Reputation: 127