Unable to receive emails from gmail addresses on my custom domain


I have created a custom email address for my domain contact@mydomain.com and tried to send an email from myaddress@gmail.com to contact@mydomain.com but I did not receive anything in my inbox.

Then, I sent an email from contact@mydomain.com to myaddress@gmail.com and it showed up in my Gmail inbox. When I replied to that email, the reply did not appear in the inbox of contact@mydomain.com.

The problem only occurs with Gmail addresses. I could receive the emails for twitter and other services. How can I resolve this issue?

Neena Vivek

Posted 2016-11-05T03:34:13.437

Reputation: 111

What are you using to receive mail? – Paul – 2016-11-05T03:50:04.783

@Paul I am not exactly sure but it is an email client on my hosting account. It goes by the name "Horde". – Neena Vivek – 2016-11-05T05:29:46.450

Have you waited enough to receive bounce messages? (reports via email to sender of the original message about delivery problems) AFAIR sendmail (not gmail) sends "warning" after 4 hours and "final error" after 5 days. – AnFi – 2016-11-05T06:48:26.843

You will need to contact your mail service provider. – Paul – 2016-11-05T11:45:19.933

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