Simple way to cut FLAC in Linux?


I'm looking for the simplest way to cut music in Linux (Fedora 25).

It would be excellent if there's a command line option for doing something like:

cut OriginalSong.FLAC -start 4m30s -end 5m15s > CutSong.FLAC

And then convert it to MP3 if possible with something like

convert CutSong.FLAC > NewSong.MP3

to upload on the web.

Any suggestion is appreciated, it is intended to be simple and command line if possible.


Posted 2016-11-04T16:35:40.233


1man flacsplt. If it involves conversion anyway ,ffmpeg to do it in one step. – dirkt – 2016-11-04T16:47:27.910

No such command in Fedora :( – None – 2016-11-04T17:01:47.650

Did you check to see if there is any packages in the repository for that tool, or flac tools? If not, then do a bit of googling, download the source, and build it yourself? – Zoredache – 2016-11-04T17:08:27.620


Package mp3splt in Debian, homepage. Or just use ffmpeg, I'm sure that's available in Fedora.

– dirkt – 2016-11-04T17:09:14.140

Yeah what's the point of asking a question anyways when there's Google :) – None – 2016-11-04T17:09:33.603

@dirkt found it, just the name is different, plus it has GUI version on GTK – None – 2016-11-04T17:10:42.927

Please answer your own question with the correct package names for Fedora, so it gets documented and other people can look it up. – dirkt – 2016-11-05T06:06:17.737

Best is to have the cue and use cuebreakpoints + shnsplit . cuetools and shntool are on Fedora – Denis Chenu – 2017-11-29T18:53:19.563

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