No External Content on some Websites



  Right now, my browser, Firefox v47, doesn't seem to load CSS Files on some Websites, especially on Secured Websites ().

I have tried restarting on Safe Mode (on Firefox), in which, it will restart with add - ons disabled; but, this doesn't work (for me)

I have add - ons installed on Firefox, which blocks pages from accessing external content, such as No-Script Suite Lite and NoScript; but I whitelisted some of the pages that's causing error. Nothing works ...

Some pages that can't load their external content are:

  • Github
  • CSS Tricks
  • Codepen
  • as well as, Mozilla Support (

    ... and other sites, but not Google, JSFiddle, and other sites that use HTTPS.

Other sites only display Firefox's error page:

(about:neterror?e=nssFailure2&u=<a%20id%3D"errorCode"%20title%3D"SEC_ERROR_OCSP_FUTURE_RESPONSE">SEC_ERROR_OCSP_FUTURE_RESPONSE</a>%0A) -- the Error Page ...

Lloyd Dominic

Posted 2016-11-04T06:18:07.213

Reputation: 199

Is this at home or at work... – Dave – 2016-11-04T06:38:09.903

And what if you use another browser? – Arjan – 2016-11-04T08:27:04.027

This is my Home Computer. Other browsers work fine, such as in Chrome (I don't like to use IE). Maybe the issue is in the about:config ... – Lloyd Dominic – 2016-11-04T08:29:27.447

Hi! If you ("someone") would mind editing my question, I can't attach links more than 2 ... Thank you! :) – Lloyd Dominic – 2016-11-04T08:31:29.493



The OCSP response is not yet valid (contains a date in the future).


Sounds like your computer's clock or time zone is not set correctly.

By the way: it seems the error code is clickable, so probably gives you more details?


Posted 2016-11-04T06:18:07.213

Reputation: 29 084

Oh, yes! Maybe that could solve the problem. I'll try to sync my Computer Time with an Internet Time. – Lloyd Dominic – 2016-11-04T08:33:01.150

1Okay, thanks for the solution! Firefox is now working correctly. I don't know why my Computer Time is changing anytime. – Lloyd Dominic – 2016-11-04T08:39:15.007

2I now know why my Computer Time's changing, it's that battery from the CPU; it's somewhat "expired" or low battery, so the Computer Time will start over again. – Lloyd Dominic – 2016-12-10T16:09:42.017


@LloydDominic, I've no idea what important other things your CMOS/clock battery might be needed for, but if your only problem is the time, then syncing with Internet Time (NTP) like you commented should fix that? By the time you open a browser after booting, the OS could have updated its time. And I don't think the battery is used while powered up. (As an aside: cheap computers, like a Raspberry Pi, don't have any CMOS battery and fully rely on NTP.)

– Arjan – 2016-12-10T23:26:13.750