How can I change this "Killer Resolution" to normal resolution?


I wanted to reinstall Windows 10 the other night and it completed. Next day I went on the computer and noticed that the resolution was low so I went in and changed that to the highest, I don't remember what resolution it was but it was something like 1200x(three numbers). It was pretty low resolution still so I clicked on it, and almost everything went black. Only like 1 centimeter at the top was visible. I restarted it like 3-5 times but nothing changed. I have two questions:

  1. Is there any way to login and navigate with TAB thru all the steps to reinstall Windows 10 again?


  1. Can I login and navigate with TAB to change the resolution?

If I can do something like that, please give me a guide on where to go (well, I know where to go, but not without a screen). Thank you for helping me!


Posted 2016-11-01T23:23:08.203


you should be able to boot into safemode and re-install your graphics device from there. This SHOULD clear any bad configuration and restore your configuration to default when you restart the machine. I've done this one windows 7 but not on windows 10.

Safemode can be entered with F8 when booting. – Colton – 2016-11-01T23:36:55.293

Thank you for the help but now when I started the PC it of course decided to fix it by itself :) – None – 2016-11-02T07:35:09.687

1I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it was fixed by a restart. – DavidPostill – 2016-11-02T11:29:48.267

Ok do that, but it wasn't fixed after a restart, it was fixed after the night. Bye. – None – 2016-11-02T22:03:51.757

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