How to tell if my server REQUIRES ECC RAM?


I know ECC is recommended for servers, but do certain pieces of hardware REQUIRE you to have it? If so, which component? e.g: CPU, motherboard


Posted 2016-10-29T15:50:05.530

Reputation: 1

The motherboard drives this requirement – Ramhound – 2016-10-29T15:53:34.830

So this is a requirement then? as in, my server will not function without ECC? – noscrodamus – 2016-10-29T15:57:20.063

You can only determine that. You asked, "do certain hardware required ECC memory", my response is that the motherboard drives that requirement. There are no CPUs on the market that only work on "server" hardware. No; my comment isn't worthy of being an answer – Ramhound – 2016-10-29T16:04:11.717

arent "The motherboard drives this requirement" & "There are no CPUs on the market that only work on "server" hardware" conflicting statements? – noscrodamus – 2016-10-29T16:16:36.760

Nope; I was pointing out that CPU can't possibly drive this requirement since Xeons (most typically installed on "server" motherboards) can be used in non-server form factors – Ramhound – 2016-10-29T16:17:55.440

Worth pointing out that some file systems also work better with ECC memory due to how they handle bit-rot and error checking. If you want an answer, be specific, I know you want to know if you need ECC memory I just can't answer that question since your details are not specific enough – Ramhound – 2016-10-29T16:20:38.527

in summation: Is having ECC RAM a requirement set by the motherboard? meaning, if i do not have ECC RAM, will my server not function like a regular computer? – noscrodamus – 2016-10-29T16:30:04.513

Your system will not post if the motherboard only supports ecc memory. – Ramhound – 2016-10-29T16:55:53.770



Your system will not post if the motherboard only supports ecc memory.


Posted 2016-10-29T15:50:05.530

Reputation: 1