Windows Mobile 7 Blog


I am looking for any blog/rss/newsgroup for bleeding edge Windows Mobile 7 news and/or coding.

Does anyone know a good one to follow?

Cas Casal

Posted 2010-02-26T04:29:28.073


Question was closed 2010-02-26T07:16:44.160

1This question will probably be closed, unfortunately. Try asking a slightly different question: "Tips and tricks for coding for Windows Mobile 7?" Some people will respond with answers that include links to blogs and such. – None – 2010-02-26T04:42:33.477



The official name is Windows Phone 7 Series.

Lex Li

Posted 2010-02-26T04:29:28.073

Reputation: 123


Have you tried NewzCrawler?

NewzCrawler is a rss/atom reader, news aggregator, browser and blog client for Windows which provides access to news content from various sources.

Josh K

Posted 2010-02-26T04:29:28.073

Reputation: 11 754