How to put a title on a Word Document with a table


I have a 2 by 7 table on a document, which fills one entire page and then continues onto the next. All I want is to put a title at the top of the document. But, whenever my table gets big enough that it takes up more than one page, it pushes the title down BELOW the table and onto the next page.

How do I place things in the order I want on the page, and not have it automatically "help me" by switching everything around? Sorry I have work due tomorrow and I've been trying to figure this out for about 45 minutes.


Posted 2016-10-17T03:38:20.660

Reputation: 1

Please provide an example a picture would be great for this. What kind of title? How did you arrange both pieces?

– Seth – 2016-10-17T06:09:21.987

Double click the empty white space on top of the page. This area is the Header. You can put a title there. Else add a text box and set attributes to floating on top as to not disturb the rest of the page. We haven't a clue as to what you are working on so here is a couple ideas. – ejbytes – 2016-10-17T06:27:08.083

Not sure how you're inserting the title, but maybe copy the table, create an empty document, type your title, format it, and then paste the table below the title. – Atzmon – 2016-10-17T08:04:51.733

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