sound card not detected in Kali 2 Debian


I'm using Kali Linux 2.0 and have a problem with my audio card.

I tested many solutions like pulseaudio or alsamixer or upgrade packages but my problem is still not resolved.

I don't have any sound from OS or any media files.

Sound settings:

enter image description here

Saeid Shakiba

Posted 2016-10-13T16:19:28.580

Reputation: 1



Open a terminal and type in

systemctl --user enable pulseaudio && systemctl --user start pulseaudio 

and reboot.


Posted 2016-10-13T16:19:28.580


doesn't work... – Saeid Shakiba – 2016-10-13T18:26:25.513

pulseaudio is not a service – Saeid Shakiba – 2016-10-13T18:26:49.360

Are you sure pulseaudio is installed? – None – 2016-10-13T18:27:54.953

yes I'm sure and i can see channels and all channels are unmute – Saeid Shakiba – 2016-10-13T18:29:28.273

You try this workaround, reinstalling pulseaudio by apt-get remove pulseaudio && reboot and apt-get install pulseaudio && reboot – None – 2016-10-13T18:39:40.537