Login into a website using wget


I can download a file through a URL if I am logged into the website.


Now, if I try to access that link using wget, it gives me 500 since it does not see me as a logged in user through wget.

I have tried logging in

wget --save-cookies addrollCookied.txt --post-data 'user=userName&password=password' https://app.adroll.com/account/account/signin

And infact tried to load this cookies file while hitting the URL I want to, but wget request is just not treated as a loggedin user.

wget --load-cookies addrollCookied.txt -p  'https://app.adroll.com/api/v1/export/all_campaigns_report?advertisable=T4ZPAGYESJEZZMCCBVEMHK&reports=AllCampaignsSummary,AllCampaignsChart,AllAds,AllCampaignsSites&format=csv&currency=USD' --debug

Simran kaur

Posted 2016-10-09T16:58:33.050




The authentication parameters for wget are


You might need to set


as well.


Posted 2016-10-09T16:58:33.050

Reputation: 126

Your example above is for basic authenticion where the OP appears to be trying to get forms based authention to work.. – HBruijn – 2016-10-09T20:29:23.537