Guake - Windows 10 + Bash



Is there either a way to get Guake to work on Windows 10, or an alternative drop down "console host" that will host the new Win 10 Bash?

enter image description here


Posted 2016-10-06T21:58:02.667

Reputation: 854



ConEmu has a Quake-style console drop-down feature that is activated by Ctrl+~.

Quake-style option of ConEmu software


Posted 2016-10-06T21:58:02.667


Will this work with Win 10 Bash? – ppittle – 2016-10-06T23:25:40.353

2Fully supports bash! Awesome!! – ppittle – 2016-10-07T20:44:22.333

@ppittle Unfortunately ConEmu doesn't nearly have "full support" for bash. The problem is that ConEmu is primarily built to host Windows console applications, whereas Bash on Windows is happiest in a POSIX shell like mintty or xterm. – Asad Saeeduddin – 2017-05-25T22:02:24.313

3ConEmu version 170910 fully supports CMD, Powershell, git-bash, and win 10 bash (wsl) side by side. Brilliant! – Gerardo Grignoli – 2017-10-04T16:01:34.413


you should also check cmder which integrates conemu and clink adding up many other useful things as well. also installing coreutils on windows might be useful than installing [tag:bash].

– None – 2017-10-05T08:05:06.950

works as charm, thanks! – Sanctus – 2019-05-20T13:06:15.953


I was wondering that myself and wrote a simple AutoHotkey script to emulate this behaviour. You can get it here:


Posted 2016-10-06T21:58:02.667

Reputation: 123


I recommend Qonsole. It can show a drop down terminal just use Cmd.

Here is supported Features:

  • Custom hotkey
  • Slide up & down animation
  • Enable Ctrl+v Console pasting
  • Transparency options
  • Configurable with cmd & console2
  • Background screen dimmer
  • Internal Update check, (automatic, 5 min after start up)
  • Optionally Run Qonsole when Windows Starts
  • More..

This is the screenshot of it's github project:


Posted 2016-10-06T21:58:02.667

Reputation: 101

Supersuer don't show the img cause my reputitions are under 10. – roachsinai – 2018-09-11T06:48:19.597