How to default to unpinned Remote Desktop connection bar?


I just upgraded to a new computer (Windows 10). On my old one (also Windows 10) when I remote desktop (full screen, all monitors) to another computer, the connection bar would default to unpinned. It would appear if I hovered at the top of any screen, but otherwise was not visible.

Since my upgrade, my remote desktop session always comes up with the connection bar pinned. I have to manually unpin it every session. I tried changing the hide option, but that just makes it hidden all the time, which is definitely not desirable! How can I get that old behavior of defaulting to unpinned, but show on top of screen hover?

Brian Knoblauch

Posted 2016-10-05T14:56:10.777

Reputation: 4 313

Are you using mstsc.exe to do remote desktop, or the Microsoft Remote Desktop app from the Microsoft Store? – LPChip – 2016-10-05T14:57:59.283

There's a different one available on the store? I'm using mstsc.exe, the built-in one, same on both machines. – Brian Knoblauch – 2016-10-05T14:59:41.843

Yes, the one in the store is quite different. Works more like one you'd find on a phone or tablet. I think mstsc.exe is still better though. – LPChip – 2016-10-05T15:00:48.813

1I just tested it on my Windows 10 environment. When I first connect it indeed defaults to pinned. I unpin, move the mouse away so the bar goes away and then close the connection. Next time I connect to that machine, the connection is still unpinned. So it seems to be something on your end, not specifically to windows 10. – LPChip – 2016-10-05T15:04:09.563



Appears to have been a Windows 10 bug which was later corrected in a cumulative update.

Brian Knoblauch

Posted 2016-10-05T14:56:10.777

Reputation: 4 313


Option 1: Add pinconnectionbar to your .rdp file


This setting determines whether or not the connection bar should be pinned to the top of the remote session upon connection.



Values Values Explanation
0 The connection bar should not be pinned to the top of the remote session.
1 The connection bar should be pinned to the top of the remote session.

Option 2: Add Value to Registry

In HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client add a DWORD value PinConnectionBar with the same values as above. This option works the first time. However, the Remote Desktop Client deletes the key afterwards.


Posted 2016-10-05T14:56:10.777

Reputation: 24 804

While interesting and looking like it should be helpful... No change. No impact either way. I still have a pinned connection bar on every startup whether or not the parameter is in place (with either value). – Brian Knoblauch – 2016-10-05T15:21:48.737

2I added pinconnectionbar:i:0 to Documents\Default.rdp (which is a hidden file). The bar was unpinned for :0 and pinned for :1. – Steven – 2016-10-05T15:37:13.547