Drag and drop doesn't work between host and VirtualBox on Windows 7



My host is 64 bit Windows 7 bit where my VirtualBox is running 32 bit Windows 7. I have installed guest services and I have enabled drag and drop in Settings >> General >> Advance to bidirectional.

I can copy/paste text file between host and virtual box and copy/paste or drag/drop doesn't work.

I have tried one of the solution here by Sam there (Kill VBoxTray.exe) but it didn't work. I see other threads like this but there are no answer.


Posted 2016-10-05T14:52:27.227

Reputation: 873

Which version of VirtualBox are you using? Can you drag and drop from the guest VM to the host? – Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007 – 2016-10-05T15:32:20.150

Also from VBox's documentation (latest version): "Limitations: On Windows hosts, dragging and dropping content from UAC-elevated (User Account Control) programs to non-UAC-elevated programs and vice versa is now allowed. So when starting VirtualBox with Administrator privileges then drag and drop will not work with the Windows Explorer which runs with regular user privileges by default." – Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007 – 2016-10-05T15:40:05.103

@Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007 I am using the latest 5.1.6 The drag and drop doesn't work in either direction. – zar – 2016-10-05T17:13:10.817

To install guest services, when your virtual OS is running from Virtual box menu select Devices -> Insert Guest Additions CD image. Guest editions is required to have drag & drop and shared clipboard – mohas – 2017-11-17T21:03:59.827



Open windows explorer as administrator and drag from there:

  • open Windows directory
  • Locate explorer.exe
  • Right click, run as administrator

Tested on 5.1.8, host and guest both windows 7 x64, using guest additions.

Note: You might need to shutdown and start again the guest os, at least for me the guest bugs badly when I try to drag a file from a non UAC explorer window.


Posted 2016-10-05T14:52:27.227

Reputation: 154

Awesome, that worked! I also had to reboot my VM to make it work. Before reboot though, copy/paste messed the VM, the explorer on it will not work properly after copy/paste..double click edited folder instead of opening. Reboot fixed those issues. – zar – 2016-11-14T21:08:16.490

And FYI, explorer.exe is typically in C:\Windows – zar – 2016-11-14T21:22:13.657

2It did not work for me. The guest is always stuck with "Dropping data... 0%" – Mert Mertce – 2018-07-18T10:21:17.393

This does not work, at least not anymore. – Everyone – 2019-11-29T02:34:58.657


Believe it or not, I solved that problem by installing Virtualbox 5.2 and everything works including drag and drop. It is kind of like Microsoft's presenting Vista which didn't work and everyone going back to 7 or XP. Sometimes an upgrade is not so good and it is best to stick with what you know works. Hope this helps. Richard

Richard Sainz

Posted 2016-10-05T14:52:27.227

Reputation: 1