Is it possible to have nested libraries in Windows 7?


My goal is this: I have a library, say it's called Series. I store my series in two different places, one for watched episodes and one for unwatched episodes.

Obviously I can simply add the root folder of each location to a series library. What I would prefer to do is have a sub-library within Series for each series, for example:

Series \ Lost

Lost (Unwatched series)
Episode 3
Episode 4

Lost (Watched series)
Episode 1
Episode 2

Is there a way to achieve this, or something approximating this (without having a full library for each series)?

P.S. I've read the other topic, but I was wondering if there was a possible workaround for this specific need. More out of hope than anything else. ;)


Posted 2010-02-24T19:42:17.850

Reputation: 115


Sure this is a duplicate. Found it -

– ChrisF – 2010-02-24T21:54:32.393

@ChrisF et al: agree it's a dupe, but that dupe is a horrible question; i'd suggest closing that one and keeping this one. – quack quixote – 2010-02-24T22:23:15.117

Yup, I realise I duplicated the other question, but I was hoping that there was something overlooked in that one, since the question was rather unspecific. In any case, I suppose I will just have to use the adding each folder workaround. – dr_draik – 2010-02-25T10:22:27.827



The best I have achieved is by adding the serie's directories one by one and grouping them by folders.

enter image description here

Additional tips: to group them in one disk/directory (without library) you could use junctions (command prompt mklink /j ...)


Posted 2010-02-24T19:42:17.850

Reputation: 6 701

That looks like the best solution to me - thanks! Obviously sub-libraries would have been optimal, but this'll do the trick. – dr_draik – 2010-02-25T10:20:31.327


Nested libraries are certainly possible. (Tested with Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Service Pack 1)

Libraries (".library-ms" files as seen from the command prompt) are normally stored in "C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Libraries\" but you can move or copy them anywhere without any loss of functionality. The only place you can't copy them from is the virtual "Libraries\" location.

If you place library [B] in a location or subfolder of library [A], you can access [B] from within [A].

You cannot however set library [B] as one of the locations for library [A]. If you try, [B]'s locations will be added instead.


Posted 2010-02-24T19:42:17.850

Reputation: 21


Just append the watched folders names with _Watched. So you would have:

Seinfield (N:) (3)
Seinfield_Watched (N:) (3)


Posted 2010-02-24T19:42:17.850

Reputation: 1