What are the things I have to be aware of when changing a file servers file protocol from AFP to SMB?


In a Mac dominated network, I want to change the servers (Samba 4.1.20) file service from AFP only to SMB only due to AFP being more and more deprecated in macOS Sierra.

The main problem are the mangled names, because via AFP were a lot of files and folders names with illegal characters (from SMB point of view).

  1. Is the option mangle names = no in the smb.conf a safe way to solve the issue named above? Safe means without the risk of data loss or corrupting anything.

  2. Is there a safe way to rename all non-conform files and folders so that they conform to the smb format? (e.g. replacing all . at the end of a folder or all : in file names with an underscore _)

  3. What do you superusers suggest is the best way to perform that major change? Anything else to be aware of?

Additional Info:

When I set the option mangle names = no the folders are displayed normally when connecting via SMB on a Mac. But the folder is displayed without any content. And that is where I got afraid of having data loss. (contents are still there, I switched back to AFP)


Posted 2016-09-25T13:09:07.993

Reputation: 11

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