Installer fails registry access permission


I'm running an app install that gives a lot of "Error opening registry key with all access" messages. I run the install under my admin account and I have full permissions in regedit. As a work-around, I went into regedit and assigned Full Control to all users and all application packages but it still fails. One example that fails is an ANT task that looks like this:

    <win32.registry root="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" key="SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment">
        <set entry="PG_HOME" value="xxx"/>

Any ideas?

Jan Huus

Posted 2016-09-13T17:52:34.553


This is on Windows 10 Pro. – None – 2016-09-13T17:53:21.253



I resolved this. I tried a bunch of things, but I think the one that made the difference was running the install from a command prompt after selecting "Run as Administrator" on that.

Jan Huus

Posted 2016-09-13T17:52:34.553
