I have a Windows VM hosted in Azure where i have many websites (IIS) and yesterday i installed Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 SP1 to be secure. Everything went normal during the process and after it finished and autostarted, like you may gessed, the firewall blocked me.
I managed to have access to the server using powershell but nothing worked:
- msiexec /x {7A4192A1-84C4-4E90-A31B-B4847CA8E23A} /qn (there is a process - msiexec - but avp is still alive)
- avp.com stop firewall (Error: Command unavailable due to password protection disabled)
- trying to stop the AVP service
If anybody have a suggestion i'll be more than grateful. As for now, the websites are OK but better now than later.
1I would just roll back to the snapshot I created of the Virtual Machine before the software was installed. – Ramhound – 2016-09-15T16:20:29.920
unfortunately, i didn't make a snapshot before the operation – etshei – 2016-09-16T11:06:18.577