Suggest a good keyboardless tablet pc, that supports Ubuntu



I need a keyboard-less tablet pc that has these specs (Ordered by the most wanted to the least):

  • Supports Ubuntu OR Ubuntu remix (just works very well, no need to official support).
  • Touch screen (Keyboard-less)
  • Has camera OR usb ports
  • Screen size from 5" to 14" (Like if there was something out of this range!)
  • Slim
  • Cheap (Yes, I can afford something around 500$, But If it's one choice I would pay 1000$)!
  • Tough (yes I don't want it to break easily)

** Multi touch is never an issue!, I have no plans to use this feature

I want to use it as a demo device in to put my Computer Science (IT) Graduation Project in.

I know that there is a numerous tablets that work on Windows 7 or the iPad but I really want one that works with Ubuntu because I'm a developer and need open-solutions.

Omar Al-Ithawi

Posted 2010-02-23T14:34:23.360

Reputation: 247



Notion Ink Adam.. but you have a wait someday for it to be available. Will cost around $400 in india.. With nVIDIA Tegra CPU, Screen 10", Camera 3MP, 16 hours of battery, supports Android, Ubuntu and Chromium.. What not!

Check it all out here..


Posted 2010-02-23T14:34:23.360

Reputation: 2 490

Unbelievable!, I hope they deliver it to Jordan. – Omar Al-Ithawi – 2010-02-25T18:39:27.943


The SmartQ5 and SmartQ7 are both Ubuntu based tablets, and they are currently available. They are quite cheap and have most of the features you are looking for. Here is a link to a video review of the SmartQ5 on YouTube. Hopefully, it meets your needs. I haven't personally used one, so I can't vouch for their durability.


Posted 2010-02-23T14:34:23.360

Reputation: 435