Edit keyboard registry to enable functions?


I currently have Thermaltake Challenger prime as a keyboard http://www.ttesports.com/productPage.aspx?p=156&g=ftr#.V9iTSa3tvnc

Now my only issue is, on normal mode macros are disabled, and on game mode macros are enabled BUT the windows key gets disabled. Is there any way I can edit the registry to enable the windows key on game mode or at least edit any file just to enable that functionality?

Their support has known about this problem for over a year now and keeps saying they are on to it but have never updated their software. I like the keyboard but I just want to fix even if I have to do it myself.


Posted 2016-09-14T00:10:05.477

Reputation: 1

no idea but there is a program called MS KLC (microsoft layout keyboard creator).. I don't know if that supports teh windows key.. It lets you create a new keyboard layout and it calls it a new language and you can change to that language.U could experiment with that. Try that. Also,U could also try experimenting with key remapping software though when I tried it in XP days it didn't add functionality, only swapped keys around. Maybe a program like this http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/map-any-key-to-any-key-on-windows-xp-vista/ can remap the windows key and maybe it will work

– barlop – 2016-09-14T00:16:28.220

Unfortunately doesn't work. I did try to remap prior to this. The keyboard just completely disables the windows key when entering game mode so I'm trying to figure out how to manually edit the keyboard functionality itself. – ytbro00 – 2016-09-14T00:52:48.820

Have you tried MS KLC? Also perhaps you can map a key to a program and the program effectively hits the windows key.. it is possible to effectively hit the windows key from c# apparently, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10366152/sending-windows-key-using-sendkeys I'm sure you can make an icon to the program and a shortcut to the icon, that's pretty straight forward. Or autohotkeys could I guess map a shortcut to launch a program.

– barlop – 2016-09-14T01:06:49.723

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