Restore program files on Symbolic Linked OS with Junction?


Is there a way to restore Windows Registry, Paths and confguration if I have a NTFS-Junction link to Program Files, Program Files (x86), ProgramData and Users?

I'm wondering if I can fully restore my OS (Windows 10) with it's programs configurations and Users folder and data after doing some clean install.

This is actually the hierarchy of my files:

D:\ -> USER_DATA (Stores C:\Users)
P:\ -> PROGRAM_DATA (Stores Program Files and ProgramData folders)
G:\ -> GAME_DATA (I install here my games lol)

Is there a way to restore programs in a clean Windows install? I mean, I don't want to reainstall everything I have after formatting. Can I do this?


Posted 2016-09-11T02:59:20.493

Reputation: 151

Unless you change the permissions on the files, even if you setup a junction point, the permissions on the files will be a problem. Why don't you reset the ACL on the files you want to transfer? – Ramhound – 2016-09-11T03:53:00.227

Related: What's the safest way to reset permission to default?

– Ramhound – 2016-09-11T03:53:54.510

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