At our University, the tech help desk is decidedly low-tech. Virus outbreaks are frequent and users, of course, haven't backed up. Recently I pulled out a Linux LiveCD (Mint 8 for the curious) in order to manually remove some virus executables. The other people working the desk were impressed. However I was just using a general purpose LiveCD. Since this comes up frequently, I've been thinking about having a general-issue LiveCD for any of our not-so-technically-inclined consultants to use.
For our not-so-technically-inclined help-desk workers, which relatively easy-to-use "Repair and Rescue" free-to-use Live CD would in your humble opinion work best for this problem?
We're looking specifically for:
- File Recovery
- Virus Detection/Removal
- Registry Repair
and of course
- relatively user friendly (GUI?)
Perhaps leave out the Linux and make it LiveCD or portable OS? Since we're going to get some discussion on the UBCD answers I reckon... – Ivo Flipse – 2010-02-22T20:34:49.410