How to style Konsole's QTabBar border?



I'm having this ugly border in my Konsole v16.04 tab bar: enter image description here

My profile css:

QTabBar::tab {
    background: #002b36;
    color: #839496;
QTabBar::tab:selected {
    background: #073642
QTabBar {
    background: #002b36;
    border: none;  

The border settings seems to do nothing here :(

Here are some docs for qt's QTabBar: And regarding Konsole style sheets for tab bar:

Anyone has an idea why Konsole is not respecting this setting?


Posted 2016-09-01T07:49:33.137

Reputation: 81



Try setting border-width: 0 (see here), and perhaps border-radius: 0 (here). I'm not exactly sure where to set these, the docs suggest in a QLineEdit{... section.

As a side note I haven't actually been able to confirm that either of these do work, as my Konsole refuses to find any .css profile I make. In trying to fix that problem I came across the bits above which will hopefully help you.


Posted 2016-09-01T07:49:33.137

Reputation: 119

Great idea, however it didn't work for me. I've tried applying border-radius: 0 and border-width: 0 as well as tacking on !important flag but nothing worked :(. Regarding your styling issue: you can specify any css file as your profile simply via settings->configure konsole->tabbar->user defined stylesheet; I keep mine at /.config/konsole.css – Granitosaurus – 2016-12-06T13:04:38.503

Something like "border-top: 1px solid orchid;" works for me. There is an awkward bug though - if you already have some other custom-set icon, when a border shows up, that icon is pushed onto the left. – shevy – 2019-02-15T20:45:41.520