Is sharing an unencrpyted partition from an encrypted linux to an unecrypted windows a good idea?


I have a windows/linux dualboot. My linux partition is encrypted, but I'd like to share a folder to a separate windows computer while linux is running, but I don not want to share any encryption keys.

I can access my unencrypted windows partition from linux, so I should be able to share a folder from there right? Are there any security risks I should be aware of in doing this?

I'm not especially concerned if someone unauthorized is able to read data on my unencrypted shared folder, but I am wondering if there is any kind of security risk to the rest of my machine since linux, samba and so on, are installed on my encrypted partition.


Posted 2016-08-29T12:42:22.790

Reputation: 13



There shouldn't be any real issue doing this, I would how ever make sure you have clamav installed on your linux instance as you may download a file that isn't harmful to your linux installation but that might harm your windows one if shared to it, and as always install an anti-virus on your windows instance (Avast is a good one)


Posted 2016-08-29T12:42:22.790

Reputation: 375