Copy image location in vimperator



When using vimperator, how do I do the equivalent of right-clicking an image and clicking "copy image location"?


Posted 2009-07-23T01:38:03.907

Reputation: 2 060

I believe that the mouse functions normally with vimperator. If it's urgent, you could probably just save the image the normal way, although I'm looking into how to do it with their commands. – Babu – 2009-07-23T02:17:31.763



Warning, I didn't try this, because I'm at work. This is the theory from what I read online

Download this file


and put it in

~/.vimperator/plugin/ (UNIX/LINUX)

or in

%HOME%\vimperator\plugin (Windows)

Usage (this is directly from the javascript source code):

== USAGE == Extended-hints mode ';m' to yank image URL and ';M' to save image are available. These are default settings. You can change these by below settings.

Ex-command ':downimageall' is also available. This is to download all images of current page, but it effects heavy load to the server, you must use carefully. We are NOT RESPONSIBLE for result of this command.

Additionally, following modes are available if you installed Image Zoom add-on ( ). These feature were provided by Frank Blendinger. Thanks !!

  • ';i' to zoom in image
  • ';x' to zoom out image
  • ';X' to zoom reset image
  • ';z' to zoom fit image
  • ';Z' to custom zoom image

Here are the official install instructions on the vimperator site. There are more plugins listed there, too.


Posted 2009-07-23T01:38:03.907

Reputation: 1 099


You can do:


Fire up hints for opening images in a new tab (;I), then yank (copy) the URL of the image while in the new tab (y), and then close the tab (d).

Also, you can always do:


Which will start hints in context menu mode, meaning, once you press a number to identify an element, vimperator will open a context menu for that element, as if you right clicked in the element.


Posted 2009-07-23T01:38:03.907

Reputation: 276

;IyD with uppercase D is slightly better in general as it maintains the current tab. – Ciro Santilli 新疆改造中心法轮功六四事件 – 2016-04-12T10:27:53.753