Is there a way to process audio in realtime?


If I record an audio segment with my Yeti I can remove the white noise or noise from my fan with Audacity's Noise Reduction, and it works pretty well.

Is there any way to process this effect in real-time, for Skype, Teamspeak, etc.?

I tried to do a bit of research on the topic but nothing I typed into Google was anything near what I wanted.

I am on Windows 10.


Posted 2016-08-21T07:26:47.477

Reputation: 2 599

Quite easily in an app like Cubase, just add the plugin to the input channel; or on the o/p channel & listen to that. Routing after that would need to be done by another app - Audio Hijack or Soundflower on the Mac, to route to Skype's input. I have no idea if it can be done in Audacity, though. – Tetsujin – 2016-08-21T07:37:51.570

Could you clarify- what operating system are you using? I know that Ubuntu's PulseAudio has a hidden noise reduction feature. And if you use Jack, you can route the sound through an LVM plugin.

– Anton Liakhovitch – 2016-08-21T07:40:50.177

As you already would appear to be comfortable with the routing part, it might be good to re-word the question to make it clearer you are needing a solution for a realtime plugin rather than the additional routing required. It sounds like what you really need is a stand-alone plugin host - maybe along the lines of one of these -

– Tetsujin – 2016-08-21T08:37:37.837

In part, the answer posted already show that it isn't 100% clear. I'm not saying that's not what you're asking, just that most of the comments & the existing answer are assuming that routing is part of the question, so it might be better to clarify. – Tetsujin – 2016-08-21T08:48:08.870

All I can say is that the longer this comment thread gets before we can actually focus on an answer, the more likely it is that a mod will stamp on it, move this thread to a chat-room & close the question as either 'unclear' or as a 'software recommendation'. – Tetsujin – 2016-08-21T09:02:17.610

Well, I don't think there is an actual answer for this question that suits SuperUser, because it will require software, and as far as I know, all the software costs money. Due to that I have not enough experience with this to write an answer myself that I know will work. – LPChip – 2016-08-21T17:12:13.433

@LPChip Even if it's paid software it's answer worthy, or if you know any off the top of your head here – Insane – 2016-08-21T17:13:12.947

Yeah, thats basically the point. I know Virtual Audio cable allows you to connect stuff together, which costs money. But then also a program that can be used for sure in this manner to apply a VST effect, I don't know. – LPChip – 2016-08-21T17:15:03.740

@LPChip Yeah, the latter is what I need. Bummer – Insane – 2016-08-21T17:15:41.417

I don't own Virtual Audio Cable, so I can't test it out with Xlutop Chainer, a program I bought that hosts VST effects, but in theory that should work. Xlutop Chainer however is no longer being developed. – LPChip – 2016-08-21T17:52:44.547



You can try to use the Stereo mix feature in windows.

With stereo mix you can record everything that gets to output. Play the filtered sounds, and in Skype try to get input from Stereo mix.


Posted 2016-08-21T07:26:47.477

Reputation: 149

Sorry but, I'm looking to process audio using an effect in real time. Not process one sample. – Insane – 2016-08-21T08:45:57.090


If i'm not totally wrong the Audacity Noise Reduction works by using a noisy Part to make a Noise Profile which it then uses for the Filter. These Process can never bee used Realtime.

But there are other Applications which can do Noise Reduction Realtime i recommend you a look at NoiseGator

For me it worked to just put some foam around my Headset Mic to remove most of the Noises. Since Foam is a lot cheaper than a Broadcaster Mic i would recommend you to give it a try.

If it doesn't work good enough with the Foam then it may be Time to start thinking about a Broadcaster Mic.


Posted 2016-08-21T07:26:47.477

Reputation: 504

1As an audio engineer, I can tell you that this is wrong. Of course you can sample a noise profile using a realtime stream and then use that data to process on the rest. – LPChip – 2016-08-21T11:11:24.570

1Also, that noisegator is not a noiseremover, but a gate only. Basically if you talk, there will still be noise, and if the noise is loud enough, near equally your voice, then this will not work at all. – LPChip – 2016-08-21T11:15:14.963

@LPChip Well now we know it's possible :P – Insane – 2016-08-21T16:53:56.433