Shared web develpment environment


I would like to have easily accessible shared web development environment e.g

in situtation where I couldn't use my main PC, I would easily move the enviroment altogether (LAMP stack with project files) to another machine with my pendrive and then continue developing a particular project on the another machine.

One project, multiple machines offline.

Is it possible? VirtualBox & Vargrant?


Posted 2016-08-17T19:13:15.340

Reputation: 1

It's possible and you have already a pretty idea how to get it down. Use vagrant and host your VagrantFile on the github for example then you can use Ansible to automate the provision and configuration of the VM and you could even add a step where Ansible would checkout out the code from a repo or copy it from USB drive. – sebastienvg – 2016-08-17T19:33:14.123

@stresscool can I get around the github point? Just pack it all into one file, copy it, open it on another machine and voilla! I have my Ubuntu + LAMP + Sublime with project files ready. – user265 – 2016-08-17T19:51:48.013

Absolutely, for that in your VagrantFile you need to refer to the box image that is located on your USB stick. For more details see there's section about config.vm.box_url

– sebastienvg – 2016-08-17T19:58:53.157

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