On Debian 8 Cinnamon doesn't start for my normal user. Only as root



I was using the OS and suddenly Cinnamon crashed. A modal window asked me if I would restart the desktop environment or not. I clicked no, for error...

Now when I try to access (graphical login) with my normal user, after a few seconds of black screen, I get back to the login page. No errors are shown.

If I access as root Cinnamon works.

Maybe the solution is to reset some configuration or use the one for the root user with my user.

Somebody could help?


Posted 2016-08-17T10:31:42.103

Reputation: 11



Finally solved thanks to this post

  1. accessed via root to the affected user's home directory ~/username
  2. ls -lah (to check the .Xauthority file's ownership)
  3. chown username:usergroup .Xauthority (to change user and group owning the file)

as a tip you can check the X error log for your user here /home/username/.xsession-errors


Posted 2016-08-17T10:31:42.103

Reputation: 11