What is a CUA editor?



A term I hear now and then is a "CUA" text editor.

What is a CUA editor?

Paul Nathan

Posted 2009-07-22T23:59:37.540

Reputation: 1 616


@Aaron http://texteditors.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?CuaFamily would have been fitting

– n611x007 – 2015-07-21T12:25:13.277

Quick search on google: http://texteditors.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?LinuxEditorFamily

– Aaron – 2009-07-23T00:01:42.370



According to Wikipedia, CUA is...

Common User Access (CUA) is a standard for user interfaces to operating systems and computer programs. It was developed by IBM and first published in 1987 as part of their Systems Application Architecture. Used originally in the OS/MVS, VM/CMS, OS/400, OS/2 and Microsoft Windows operating systems, parts of the CUA standard are now implemented in programs for other operating systems, including variants of Unix. It is also used by Java AWT and Swing.

In other words, a set of a standards/guidelines for interactive applications to follow.

To more specifically answer the question, a CUA editor would then simply be a text-editor which adheres to the standards/guidelines set by the CUA.


Posted 2009-07-22T23:59:37.540

Reputation: 3 562

I disagree. OS/MVS and the rest do have a GUI, it's just not a windowing graphical system. They aren't command-line. It's the equivalent of a curses program under *nix. – CarlF – 2009-10-27T19:56:02.873

I would argue with the "GUI" qualification in your answer. OS/MVS, VM/CMS, and OS/400 do not have GUIs, for example. – Richard Hoskins – 2009-07-23T00:23:04.153

Agreed, GUI isn't exactly the appropriate term. An application with a interface, where an interface is a keyboard and/or mouse? Applications with visual interfaces? – Thor – 2009-07-23T00:29:44.197

Interactive application? In other words, a set of a standards/guidelines for interactive applications. – Richard Hoskins – 2009-07-23T00:57:39.327


Regardless of the formal definition of CUA, the term is colloquially used to refer to a text editor that uses keybindings that are common on Windows and Mac platforms. For example:

  • Ctrl+Z for undo
  • Ctrl+C for copy
  • Ctrl+X for cut
  • Ctrl+V for paste
  • Ctrl+S for save
  • F1 for help

Mike Hobbs

Posted 2009-07-22T23:59:37.540

Reputation: 158


Looks like it's Common User Access, if that's the right CUA.


Posted 2009-07-22T23:59:37.540

Reputation: 8 350