Chatting using Bash Shell?


The origins of the questions trace back to Mr. Robot series, where I noticed that people join "group" or "parties" chat through Bash Shell to communicate with other people or group. Then I got interested and started to search online for it and found answers for it, but only for LAN chats, not globally. I guess you have to have a server running so people can connect to it and chat through that or something similar to that. Can anyone please help me figure out how it works and how I can replicate it?

Thank you in advance!


Posted 2016-08-14T18:46:29.807

Reputation: 23



There are many IRC clients that work CLI only. One popular example is irssi. You can use it to connect to your favorite IRC networks. Using something like BitlBee you can connect an IRC client to aim/jabber/and other IM networks.


Posted 2016-08-14T18:46:29.807

Reputation: 18 453

Considering it's Mr. Robot. It's very, very likely IRC – slebetman – 2016-08-14T18:58:22.133

Thank you so much! I'm not even near to your level to completely understand what you said, but I'll dig deep into it. Thank you! – arthrax – 2016-08-14T19:02:44.273