Prevent CopyQ clipboard manager from keeping data from KeePass



I use CopyQ clipboard manager, but I don't want it to keep data from KeePass password manager for security reasons. How can I set up CopyQ for that?

Clement J.

Posted 2016-08-12T20:41:56.627

Reputation: 363



copyq allows to prevent the storage of data based on the title on the originating window.

Open commands dialog with F6, click "Add" button, select 'Ignore "Password" window' and then change the "Window" text field in the new command to match a window title to ignore.

Keepass window has for title "[name of your database].kdbx - Keepass". We will then search for the pattern "ends with '- Keepass'" or ("- Keepass$" using regex notation). enter image description here


Clement J.

Posted 2016-08-12T20:41:56.627

Reputation: 363

in the Window section KeePass only is fine now. Copyq checks for the partial strings too. – tukan – 2018-08-17T09:28:24.770