How to enable shared Clipboard for Windows and XRDP?



We´ve set up a development environment on Ubuntu 14.04, running in a LXC container hosted on a Proxmox 4.2 Server.

The container is connected to our AD and accessed with xrdp.

Problem: The clipboard isn´t working. From what I understood, that´s because XRDP knows three clipboards:

  • Cutbuffer
  • Primary Selection
  • Clipboard Selection

Windows only knows the Cutbuffer, which is deprecated in modern Linux Distributions.

One solution we found is to install autocutsel, but that didn´t solve the problem for us.

Another possible solution we found is this script found at This may be the solution, but it´s too big. Installing a new server, trying and debugging the script and then hope, that it works on the original container is not an option at the moment.

We´re looking for a lean solution, maybe we overlooked something, when we installed autocutsel?

Thanks for all answer is advance.


Posted 2016-08-11T08:50:16.470

Reputation: 11

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