Why is the line number column missing in Atom?


I've been using Atom for a number of weeks, and recently the line number column is missing. The only associated change I can recall is having disabled the core wrap-guide package. I've tried enabling it and restarting. I have no custom CSS implemented.

Where in the settings or config is the line number toggle? What might've hidden it?


Posted 2016-08-03T21:13:24.890

Reputation: 645



"Show Line Numbers" setting is under the "Editor Settings" heading in the main Settings window (ctrl+,).

Jacob Adams

Posted 2016-08-03T21:13:24.890

Reputation: 196

Thank you. It's under the Invisibles section. I must have scrolled past that a dozen times. – isherwood – 2016-08-03T21:21:44.377