How do I change Windows 10 hotkeys?


I recently noticed Windows 10's virtual desktop feature. Using ctrl+win+right+ and ctrl+win+left is too much effort to change desktops. I want to create a hotkey so that simply pressing page-up or page-down will switch between desktops like ctrl+win+right+ and ctrl+win+left does.


Posted 2016-07-31T16:19:30.600

Reputation: 153

Thanks for accepting my answer. I added info on how to avoid clicking the script every time you start/restart your computer, if you need it. – Jack White – 2016-08-01T21:18:39.617



Windows does not allow to remap those keys so you will need third-party software to do this. AutoHotkey can do it easily.

Install AutoHotKey

Save following two lines as remap.ahk (make sure it is not remap.ahk.txt)

PgDn::Send ^#{Left}
PgUp::Send ^#{Right}

Now right-click the resulting file and select Run script

PageUp and PageDown should now switch desktops

However you will be unable to use a normal PageUp / PageDown function at all as long as the script is running

To stop it, expand notification area ("system tray") hidden icons area, locate a green square with white H on it, right click and select Exit

For more info refer to AutoHotkey documentation.

You will need to run the script every time you log in. To start it automatically, right-click the script file and select Compile Script. This should produce a new file with same name in the same folder as your script. Now press ⊞ Windows+R, type: shell:startup and press Enter. A startup folder should open. Place the new (compiled) file into this folder.

Jack White

Posted 2016-07-31T16:19:30.600

Reputation: 869