How to understand the differences between Clonezilla Live and the "alternative" Clonezilla Live?



How does one know whether they need the Debian-based Clonezilla Live, or the Ubuntu-based "alternative" Clonezilla Live?

This FAQ provides a high-level outline of the differences, but unless the system has an i386 processor or uEFI, it is unclear why users would need the Ubuntu-based "alternative" version.

Interestingly, the Clonezilla downloads page currently lists the "alternative" version first.


Posted 2016-07-27T00:11:37.753

Reputation: 5 415



The Debian version only contains open software. This means there is less support for hardware.

The Ubuntu version has more support, because it i t includes non-free firmware, and also supports uEFI secure boot.

Basically, You would have to look at Debian and Ubuntu's supported hardware to see if they include support for your hardware.


Posted 2016-07-27T00:11:37.753

Reputation: 57 019