I was about to click on something, but then suddenly a dialogue box appeared. So my click went to the dialogue box without my intention. I even had no time to see its content. Is Windows 7 is such dangerous?
How can I bring back newest dialog boxes, so I can undo "my" choice?
My mouse pointer did not automatically jump to that dialog box. The dialog box accidentally appeared under it. So why is Windows as insecure? – gloschtla – 9 years ago
@gloschtla What do you mean by why is Windows as insecure? – theJack – 9 years ago
Isn't it obvious? Imagine you want to click on anything. But before you reach the mouse button a dialog window appears accidentally. It appears so suddenly, that you cannot react with your finger, so you unintentionally click on something wrong. – gloschtla – 9 years ago
I cannot believe that previous dialogs with windows were not logged. In other cases Microsoft offers the option to undo operations, such as bringing a file back to its original directory in Windows Explorer. – gloschtla – 9 years ago
@gloschtla What software were you using? Windows is not responsible for logging dialogue boxes; that is the program's job, if it even wants to. I don't think any program or OS logs dialogue boxes and allows the user to undo decisions made by them. – theJack – 9 years ago