how to restrict sftp only users to specific folder within the chroot directory


I know there is different versions of this question. but I am trying to give each user a folder within chroot directory and he/she should not be able to navigate outside the assigned folder.

What I have is a Red Hat 7.1 Linux box in the cloud. What I need is:

  • create a group exchangefiles
  • restrict group to SFTP
  • I have more than one user Legacy1, Legacy2, Legacy3
    • Create user/password for each user
    • Create folders under /exchangefolder for each user
    • restrict users to their assigned folders (no navigation outside their folders). e.g.
      • Legacy1 user can only SFTP to /exchangefolder/Legacy1
      • Legacy2 user can only SFTP to /exchangefolder/Legacy2

After this all I need to do whenever I have a new user is to add it to this group and no other group and give it access to a folder under /exchangefolder

I used instructions mentioned in "" then modified "/etc/ssh/sshd_config" by adding

Match Group exchangefiles
# Force the connection to use the built-in SFTP support.
ForceCommand internal-sftp 
# Chroot the connection into the specified directory.
#ChrootDirectory /home/exchangefiles/%u
#ChrootDirectory /home/exchangefiles
*ChrootDirectory %h*
# Disable network tunneling
PermitTunnel no
# Disable authentication agent forwarding.
AllowAgentForwarding no
# Disable TCP connection forwarding.
AllowTcpForwarding no
# Disable X11 remote desktop forwarding.
X11Forwarding no


$ ls -ltr
total 16
drwxrwxr-x 2 root exchangefiles 4096 Jul 11 11:12 files
drwxrwxr-x 2 root exchangefiles 4096 Jul 11 15:31 sftptest2
drwxrwxr-x 3 root exchangefiles 4096 Jul 11 16:16 sftptest1
drwxrwxr-x 3 root exchangefiles 4096 Jul 11 18:32 sftptest3

and the folder structure below it.

I created the user as per the link above. but then I tried to set for each user home directory in the jail structure. e.g. USER sftptest1 will have a home directory


the problem is that I can not SFTP unless I change

ChrootDirectory %h


ChrootDirectory /home/exchangefiles

which defeats my purpose of creating separate folder for each user (sort of jail within jail)

is this doable? what is the best way to do it?


Posted 2016-07-12T17:39:51.770

Reputation: 1



From your description it sounds to me as if you want a separate chroot directory for each user: ChrootDirectory /home/exchangefiles/%u.


Posted 2016-07-12T17:39:51.770

Reputation: 380