Windows 10 File Explorer Crashes on Right-Click


This issue has been bothering me ever since my mom turned off my computer a few days ago and I turned it back on the next day to do some work. Right-clicking on any file or folder in Windows Explorer causes an hourglass icon to appear; the Explorer window inevitably goes Not Responding and when I click the X, the toolbar and icons in it disappear for a moment while the thing restarts. I've tried disabling all the third-party Context Menu extension things with that Shell Ex View program (they are currently all disabled), and uninstalling a few nonessential programs, but the problem persists. Can anyone help me solve this issue? Thanks!


Posted 2016-07-11T01:46:48.220

Reputation: 3

Does it happen in safe mode? – Ramhound – 2016-07-11T01:47:59.293

capture a crash dump and share it (Onedrive, dropbox link). Here Are the steps to do this: I'll analyze it in the debugger

– magicandre1981 – 2016-07-11T04:25:46.427

Windows' own hardware troubleshooting and SFC solved the problem for me, actually. Thanks! – Nintendraw – 2016-07-12T21:17:39.230



You might try a few things.

  • Try un/re-installing your third-party software.
  • Look in your registry at HKLM\*\shell and \shellex and delete stragglers that may be left behind from the third-party software. I would backup the registry before this, and maybe export the key, so you can perhaps get some of your old settings back after you get it working.
  • Also try running sfc /scannow in an elevated command prompt. You might even go through all the troubleshooting steps here: System file check (SFC) Scan and Repair System Files & DISM to fix things SFC cannot.


Posted 2016-07-11T01:46:48.220

Reputation: 366