Follow up, extreme sluggishness on machine doing IO


This is a follow up to a previous question.

After more investigation it appears that I have a slightly different problem, whenever I do any volume of disk based activity like copying files or backing up sql databases, My disk usage in task manager goes to 100% and average io response times go up to >4000ms often > 10000ms.

This slows my whole machine down to a crawl and any activity like opening a program, doing a build of our software etc slows to a crawl.

Now I have an SSD hybrid drive in the machine and that doesn't seem to have improved matters, I have done crystal disk health checking and bench marking in my previous ticket.

Is there anything I can do or do I have to put up with this. Its my work machine and I frequently have this problem and its really irritating.

Ben Whyall

Posted 2016-07-08T14:28:28.747

Reputation: 131

A driver problem for an input/ouput device could cause this problem The best way to determine if you have a driver problem is to benchmark the i/o behavior and simotaniously benchmark the memory usage on drivers. Related

– Ramhound – 2016-07-08T14:33:16.010

How would you benchmark the memory usage on the drivers, simply using process explorer – Ben Whyall – 2016-07-08T14:39:39.963

You don't you would use other tools. Windows 8 extremely high disk usage and slow IO

– Ramhound – 2016-07-08T14:43:13.123

I've had a look as I currently have IO issues due to tar running on a large file and nothing stands out in memory usage and its staying fairly constant – Ben Whyall – 2016-07-08T14:54:33.330

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