Is there a way to force tabs to identical size, regardless of filename length?
Here you can see that the size changes entirely depending on the filename length and also position in a multiline config, eg. in_server.txt.
And related to that, is there also a way to force the multiline tab (files "in_server.txt" and "new 9" in the above example) to the same even width as the files in the second tab row? I've only ever seen the below type of multiline tab which always fills the full row - also regardless of the actual filename length - in any program. Is it a technical limitation of Windows?
doesn't have any fitting settings.
Notepad++ informations about the tab bar: http://docs.notepad-plus-plus.org/index.php/Tab_Bar
– marsh-wiggle – 2016-07-06T07:14:55.793