How to control scroll bar behavior in Cinnamon?


I'm running a Debian 8 machine. I believe its running Cinnamon as the window manager:

$ wmctrl -m
Name: Mutter (Muffin)
Class: N/A
Window manager's "showing the desktop" mode: N/A

When a mouse click occurs in the scroll bar area, the scrollbar tick snaps to the place of the click rather than paging up/down. I find it to be very annoying behavior.

I cannot find the setting to control the scroll bar behavior. I tired going through the usual suspects, like General and Windows applets. I also tried searching in the System Settings applet, but it returned 0 results.

How do I control the scroll bar behavior in Cinnamon?

For completeness, here's the equivalent setting in Mac OS X. Notice the Click in the scroll bar choices. It can be found in the Settings app, General settings.

enter image description here


Posted 2016-06-27T03:42:23.157

Reputation: 1

Which programs are you using? Scrollbars aren't drawn or managed by the WM, but by the widget toolkit. – user1686 – 2016-06-27T07:09:07.560

@grawity - The program is the Terminal. The scroll bars are drawn. Its problematic because I have an unlimited scroll back. Sometimes, I only want to go back 3 pages with 30K lines of scrollback history. Its impossible to use the mouse to move the thumb tick 3 pages. – jww – 2016-06-27T08:05:44.693



The window manager knows absolutely nothing about scrollbars. They are drawn by the widget toolkit that each program uses – in GNOME it's mostly GTK+, in KDE it's mostly Qt. Thus scrollbar behavior in GNOME (Cinnamon) programs would be a GTK+ option, and more specifically a GTK 3 option in your case.

To permanently switch back to the old scrollbar behavior, set the gtk-primary-button-warps-slider option to false in your ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini.

(Yes, it could have been added to Cinnamon's "Settings" app, although it's a bit obscure and so more likely to appear in "GNOME Tweak Tool". File a feature request.)

In GTK+ 3, you have alternative methods:

  • Click and hold the scroll slider for a few seconds, until it switches to "precise mode" (the slider will become thinner), and will only scroll a couple of lines at a time.

  • Alternatively, hold Shift to immediately enter "precise mode", same as the above.

  • Or use ShiftPageUp / PageDown to scroll the terminal page-by-page.


Posted 2016-06-27T03:42:23.157

Reputation: 283 655

Perfect, thank you very much. Your knowledge of Linux and Unix is amazing. I going to file a bug report on it. I should not have to edit an INI file by hand for this particular setting. – jww – 2016-06-27T08:19:37.710