Unhide build output in Sublime Text



After starting a build in Sublime Text (Ctrl/Cmd B), a pane with the output appears.

The output pane can be hidden by ESC. Buth how do I unhide the output pane again?


Posted 2016-06-23T11:13:41.727

Reputation: 228



In the latest build of Sublime Text (build 3020) there is a "Panel Switcher" in the lower left of the window.

See the icon in the bottom left. Click it and it shows a list of available output panels to open.

Panel Switcher Screenshot

Gerard Roche

Posted 2016-06-23T11:13:41.727

Reputation: 380

Good answer. Note that plugins, such as Sublime SFTP automatically append themselves to this context menu. – Gabe Hiemstra – 2017-04-03T11:38:25.063


How do I unhide the output pane again?

  1. Use "Tools" → "Build Results" → "Show Build Results", or

  2. Create a new shortcut key of your choice as follows:

As you can see in Packages/Default/Main.sublime-menu the command for "Show build results" is this:

  "command": "show_panel", 
  "args": {
    "panel": "output.exec"
  "caption": "Show Build Results",
  "mnemonic": "S"

so a custom key binding could be this:

  "keys": ["ctrl+alt+super+r"],
  "command": "show_panel", 
  "args": {
    "panel": "output.exec"

Source In Sublime Text 2 - reopen build output, answer by akirk


Posted 2016-06-23T11:13:41.727

Reputation: 118 938

This is also available via the menu: Tools → Build Results → Show Build Results – MattDMo – 2016-06-23T17:23:52.333

Shortcut works perfectly! Thanks! – Ation – 2019-08-14T10:20:35.690