Visual Studio 15: remove double CTRL+S as a short cut of save file as



Not only me but many developers are in the habit of pressing ctrl+s many times to save the file. Here comes the visual studio 15 that open a dialogue to save file as if you press the control+s more then ones.

How to remove the shortcut from the vs 15?

I checked and found that ctrl+s, ctrl+s is assigned to none as shown in screen shot given below: enter image description here


I am using a trial version enter image description here

I have following extensions installed enter image description here

enter image description here

The issue was automatically resolved after taking the latest updates of Visual Studio.

I apologise for not updating the question.

Vikas Bansal

Posted 2016-06-19T07:10:15.667

Reputation: 453

why don't just change yourself? Press save only once – phuclv – 2016-06-19T07:56:19.767

why don't you just answer relevant? :P or is it not possible to remove the shortcut? – Vikas Bansal – 2016-06-19T08:16:13.767

I can't emulate in 15 Preview 2 double Ctrl + S. It does nothing. – Misaz – 2016-06-19T08:52:45.400

I am using visual studio 15 professional and double ctrls+s is opening the save file as – Vikas Bansal – 2016-06-19T08:54:52.957

1You might improve the tags on the post - it is unclear whether you refer to visual studio 2015 or visual studio 15, I use VS2015 professional, and single or double ctrls+s does only save. VS15 is only in Preview (beta). VS2015 has bug reporting under Help / Send feedback, so maybe also VS15. You might consider moving to the stable version of VS2015 rather than VS15. And which is your Preview version? – harrymc – 2016-07-26T10:17:13.447

@harrymc Those are very good suggestions for the OP. Nevertheless, I have VS2015 (Community) and I also frequently experience this odd behaviour. After you said it didn't happen to you, I double checked and indeed it is not easy to reproduce by simply pressing Ctrl+S twice. I have the (bad) habit of issuing many Ctrl+S strokes as I code, so it happens frequently when I issue multiple strokes. Perhaps it will be easier for you to reproduce this by keeping Ctrl+S pressed? – Luiz Vieira – 2016-07-26T15:54:45.617

@LuizVieira: It's difficult when post and bounty do not fully agree. With me, keeping Ctrl+S pressed also does not cause any problem. Maybe it's some extension : try devenv.exe /SafeMode.

– harrymc – 2016-07-26T16:02:38.317

@harrymc I just did as you suggested and the issue no longer happpens. So it might indeed be some extension. :/ Thank you for your help. – Luiz Vieira – 2016-07-26T16:17:37.587

@harrymc I tracked it down and (in my case) the culprit seems to be the Visual Studio 2015 Tools for Unity. It only happens with projects integrated with Unity. C++ or C# projects that have nothing to do with Unity do not show that odd "save as" behaviour.

– Luiz Vieira – 2016-07-26T16:28:08.083

1@VikasBansal: Using a Preview/trial version means there will be bugs. – harrymc – 2016-07-26T19:31:33.500



Summary :

As this didn't happen on my version of Visual Studio Pro 2015, I suggested running devenv.exe /SafeMode to check for a rogue extension.

This was indeed the case, tracked by @LuizVieira to the extension Visual Studio 2015 Tools for Unity.

This extension has some issues with saving. For example : Why does Ctrl-S not always save?. Here the workaround was :

Going to Visual Studio > Tools > Options> Tools For Unity> General and setting all options from explorer to true

Some other suggestions :

  1. The problem can be a conflict with another extension - see if it arrives when only this extension is enabled.

  2. Try to map Ctrl+S to "Save All" as a workaround.


Posted 2016-06-19T07:10:15.667

Reputation: 306 093

In Tools>>Options, I don't find any option Tools For Unity. I have updated and mention the version of Visual studio I am using. As Tools for Unity is not present in my VS then It must not be the reason of the conflict. Also, the issue was resolved when I had taken the updates. – Vikas Bansal – 2016-07-26T17:14:43.973

1@VikasBansal: Using a Preview/trial version means there will be bugs. – harrymc – 2016-07-27T05:51:06.597