Searching chat history in Skype For Business


I had chat conversations (text) with my friend Adam 50 times over the past 200 days. Skype for Business does not collate all these conversations into one conversation across time. Instead, I literally have 50 separate conversations.

I would like to search all the 50 conversations I had with Adam. How do I do it?

The Vivandiere

Posted 2016-06-17T17:01:31.420

Reputation: 862



Have a look to your outlook mailbox. It may contain a folder with all your Skype for business conversations in it.

A. Loiseau

Posted 2016-06-17T17:01:31.420

Reputation: 1 070

It's the only solution as far as I can see because Skype Bussiness does not let you search in chats. – Alberto Perez – 2019-10-22T06:43:42.853