Active Directory whenChanged attribute


i am a bit confused when it comes to the whenchanged user-attribute in active directory. Lets say i have a user xy with a mailbox. This mailbox is shared with a few people. They all do not log directly into this account, but via outlook.

Am i assuming right, that everytime a user is receiving an email with that account, the whenchanged attribute will change?

I know, that this attribute wont replicate to all the dcs but it would help me in my investigation if i fully understand this attribute.



Posted 2016-06-16T11:32:36.713

Reputation: 11



Am i assuming right, that everytime a user is receiving an email with that account, the whenchanged attribute will change?

The answer is... No.

This atributte only change when some information in the attributes of User in DA... !changed¡ ;) or you change a primary group. Recieve mails dont modify the object

For example, adress, phone number, password, etc.

For more information check this


Posted 2016-06-16T11:32:36.713

Reputation: 94