Slow SSD speeds when cloning disks?


I am making a disk-to-disk clone using CloneZilla where both source SSD and target SSD are connected to the computer using SATA-3.

Both drives are from the same Vendor and have the exact same size and read/write speeds (Samsung, 250 GB, 400+ MB/s).

CloneZilla is showing me that that the transfer rate is 2 GB/minute, which translates to 33 MB/s.

Why is the transfer speed so slow?

I also tried cloning the drives via USB 3.0 which doubled the speed, but still, why is it so slow?

Shouldn't the transfer rate be close to 400 MB/s at least?


Posted 2016-06-16T03:36:05.093

Reputation: 3 309

What is your Motherboard? – NetworkKingPin – 2016-06-16T04:36:25.837

It is a GA-X58-USB3 – vaid – 2016-06-16T04:59:04.580

One last question how are you running clonezilla exactly? this could affect your speeds depending on where you run it. – NetworkKingPin – 2016-06-16T05:07:41.777

To be exact: I am running it in a virtual machine. I have set up the SOURCE SSD to act as a physical drive inside VirtualBox. Like I said in my post: The exact same setup but with USB3.0 Source to SATA Target gives me twice the speed, but still 10th of the speed expected. – vaid – 2016-06-16T07:39:53.117

What kind of virtual machine? What solution are you using? Are they attached to a physical SATA-3 controller? – Seth – 2017-01-26T08:21:15.327



Try adding


to the kernel command line, as suggested on the ubuntuforums thread Cloning SSDs using DD is very slow. In my case, the copy speed from an SSD attached via a USB SATA enclosure increased by a factor of about 20. Your mileage may vary.


Posted 2016-06-16T03:36:05.093

Reputation: 111