Where can i find the registry key "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop"


Where can i find HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop?


Posted 2010-02-13T06:20:01.113

Reputation: 167

Question was closed 2012-08-07T08:02:19.437

2this question sounds like a not-so-distant relative of "I can haz cheezeburger?" – NoCarrier – 2010-02-13T06:41:29.790

1You can find HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel which you can find in HKEY_CURRENT_USER. – Hello71 – 2010-07-09T02:19:01.480



Go to Start > Run > type " regedit" > Enter > then browse to that key.


Posted 2010-02-13T06:20:01.113

Reputation: 2 490

it says Windows cannot find 'regedit'. – Paul – 2010-02-13T06:26:01.910

What about "regedt32"? It is very odd that you are missing regedit; is it possible you have a virus? You might want to try running Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. – Stephen Jennings – 2010-02-13T07:30:29.647

I found in C:\WINDOWS but what i gonna do now? – Paul – 2010-02-13T08:13:32.527

run it and find the key.. – Bibhas – 2010-02-13T08:42:07.903


Start > Run > cmd.exe

then in the Command Prompt, type:

dir C:\WINDOWS\regedit.exe

and the file should be listed.

If you see instead

Directory of C:\WINDOWS

File Not Found

Then something very strange has happened.

But you can also try regedt32 in C:\WINDOWS\system32\regedt32.exe

If regedit.exe is where it should be, then Windows can't find it because C:\WINDOWS isn't in the path.
In a Command Prompt, enter echo %PATH%
Rr you can use the GUI: Start > Control Panel > System, click on the [Advanced] tab, and click the Environment Variables button.

In that poky little dialog, in the System Variables section is an entry for Path. Double-click on the "Path" entry, and there's an even tinier (and barely usable) dialog in which you're expected to be able to inspect and edit the semicolon-separated list of directories.

Scroll along the text field looking for entries like C:\WINDOWS and C:\WINDOWS\system32
I suspect they won't be there, in which case you'll need to add them:

Insert into the text field:


ensuring that the entries are separated by a semi-colon.


Posted 2010-02-13T06:20:01.113

Reputation: 9 743


In the registry editor:

Start -> run -> regedit -> Click OK


Posted 2010-02-13T06:20:01.113

Reputation: 524

it says Windows cannot find 'regedit'. – Paul – 2010-02-13T06:25:40.647