Directory Symbolic Links do not appear in Start Menu/All apps on Windows 10


In windows 7 I had a folder in "C:\Users\myusername\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs" that was a symlink to a UNC path on a network share. That folder (and the programs inside it) was then available from the Start Menu->All Programs menu.

When I upgraded to Windows 10, that folder doesn't appear in Start Menu->All Apps. It doesn't seem to matter whether the symlink is to a local folder or a network share, or whether it's a symlink or a junction.

Any thoughts about how to accomplish this on Windows 10?


Posted 2016-05-31T16:55:54.770

Reputation: 111

A bit late to this question I'm afraid. But is the drive automatically connected to on restart? – Julian Knight – 2016-07-01T21:19:51.110

@JulianKnight The way I had it set up on Windows 7 it didn't point to a mapped drive, just a UNC share. In other words I linked directly to \mycomputer\myshare\myfolder as opposed to mapping \mycomputer\myshare as Z: and then linking to Z:\myfolder. But that was a good idea, so I tried the mapped drive approach, and unfortunately that doesn't work either. – scott – 2016-07-12T13:45:13.430

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