Restart later but when?


Ubuntu Software Updater post update installation shows option below

enter image description here

I wonder what does Restart Later means for Ubuntu.

Windows lets us choose to be reminded in 10 minutes, 1 Hour or 4 Hours

enter image description here

So does Macintosh

enter image description here

After I click on Restart Later at times I see this couple of times in a day and sometimes I see it next day. Ubuntu Wiki doesn't describe this option very well either.


Posted 2016-05-30T13:09:41.813

Reputation: 5 311



Whenever you feel like it. Its worth considering a few things when saying this.

The underlying package manager does not force you to reboot - though /var/run/reboot-required will tell you if its needed.

Linux will hold on to the old version of the file till nothing is using it , so typically a restart is for kernel upgrades, and maybe drivers/modules.

Finally there's a philosophical difference between linux (designed for powerusers, and folks who boast about uptime and reliability) and a desktop oriented OS - windows server probably wouldn't force a reboot either.

As such, in linux these reboot warnings are considered recommended not essential and its informational. There's nothing stopping someone from writing something that ran sudo reboot for you though.

Journeyman Geek

Posted 2016-05-30T13:09:41.813

Reputation: 119 122

Found this which says Software Updater should launch automatically ... when ... security updates require a restart to finish installing, and it has been at least 24 hours since you were told about this; or ... non-security updates require a restart to finish installing, and the “When there are other updates” interval has passed since Software Updater was last open (either automatically or manually) but systems don't seem to go respect it or I'm understanding it totally wrong. Accepting this as it provides more insight

– pun – 2016-06-02T05:59:02.200


IMHO "Restart later" means simply as it is that the user (you) will reboot the system sometime later, that's all!


Posted 2016-05-30T13:09:41.813

Reputation: 14 097