How to completely remove audio channels from video



Telegram displays soundless MP4s as GIFs.
How can I completely remove audio from my MP4 files? I tried Filmora but it only detaches audio. While exporting it still includes silenced audio channels.

Alireza Mohamadi

Posted 2016-05-25T07:06:04.373

Reputation: 123



If it's easier for you to use GUI, there is an open source app called VCT

It's a GUI for ffmpeg. Download and install it. It contains ffmpeg so you're good to go.

  1. Select your input file, in Video Container select checkbox Copy and in Extract Video or Audio select box Video only.
  2. Click Add to batch list and then click Start. Your file will be encoded within an minute, without audio stream, only video.
  3. In the textbox you can see ffmpeg command, you can change name or destination folder.

enter image description here


Posted 2016-05-25T07:06:04.373

Reputation: 116


Using FFmpeg its really simple:

ffmpeg -i videoAndAudio.mp4 -c copy -an onlyVideo.mp4

-i path/to/input_file: give the path to your file

-c copy: tell FFmpeg to copy codecs (prevent transcoding)

-an: disables audio

Dimitri Podborski

Posted 2016-05-25T07:06:04.373

Reputation: 237


As ffmpeg alternative, use Virtual dub:

  • open the target file
  • set video to 'direct stream copy'
  • set audio to none
  • save as new file

The process should be almost as fast as a direct file copy.


Posted 2016-05-25T07:06:04.373

Reputation: 8 562