modem didn't respond to AT commends


I want to perform some AT commends on my huawei ec122 modem (locked) but i didn't receive any response from it. i am using c# to perform request with waterline method the port open without problem and my request are send successfully. i know that because i installed wireshark and i guaranteed that my request are send to the correct COM port that modem original application communicate with.

port = new SerialPort("COM13");  
port.WriteLine("AT");           //Get the modem's attention
port.WriteLine("ATI");          // Get All Manufacturer Info
port.WriteLine("AT+CGMM");      // Get USB Model
port.WriteLine("AT+CGMI");      // Manufacturer
port.WriteLine("AT+CIMI");      // Get SIM IMSI number
port.WriteLine("AT+CGSN");      //Get modem IMEI

i didn't post this on stack because i don't think it have something to do with code, i suspect that it have to do with the modem been locked, and i need to guaranteed that. what do you suggest for me to do ? thanks.


Posted 2016-05-21T17:24:22.320

Reputation: 145

1"All" modems I have tried required CR+LF ("\r\n" = \x0d0a), not just CR or LF. Does "x.WriteLine()" provide that? Also: You must wait for the answer before sending next command. – Hannu – 2016-05-21T20:18:04.653

i found a code that's working but i didn't understand yet why mine didn't, i will report when a understand the issue, thanks for your help – habibhassani – 2016-05-22T10:15:54.187

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